Helke Bayrle, Ghislaine Leung, Diego Salvador Rios, Michael Smith, Lewis Teague Wright, Bernadette Corporation, Claire Fontaine, Reena Spaulings

Ghislaine Leung, 154 : 230 / 110, 2018. Plastic, aluminum tape, dye, glue, children's playhouse, metal. Dimensions and title variable.

Diego Salvador Rios,
Untitled (Preparatoria Federal por Cooperación Altavista – Ciudad Juárez, Mexico & $350 MXN receipt for scholarship student tuition fee paid by Armida Cabrera Valverde Principal of Co-operative Federal High School of Altavista on 18th October 2011), 2012-2015.
Found photographs and document with aluminum frames.
30 x 25 cm each

Michael Smith, Sales Pitch and Sweat Equity, 1999. With Joshua White. Video and sound. 00:12:50

Helke Bayrle, Portikus Under Construction, 1992 – ongoing. Video and sound. 163 videos. Courtesy of the artist and Sunah Choi.

Lewis Teague Wright, RIDER: Electric Acid Battery Test, 2019. Flight case with nylon flocked interior. 40.5 x 40.5 x 11 cm

Michael Smith, Big New Shining Building, 2019. Ink and watercolor on paper. 35.6 x 50.8 cm unframed

Bernadette Corporation, Claire Fontaine and Reena Spaulings, Imperio, 2007. Super 8 transfer to video, color, no sound. 00:20:05