Noah Barker

Noah Barker,
A New Concept in Sailing, 1969/2023
foam, fiberglass, epoxy, nylon, polyester, laminated pine, mahogany, stainless steel, fabricated by Jonas Buchholz and Gert Martin from designs by James R. Drake (developed in collaboration with Fred A. Payne, Jr., Vice President of Technical Operations, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Hoyle Schweitzer of Legal Billing Systems, Inc., Allen Parducci, Professor of Psychology, UCLA) presented in the paper WINDSURFING: A NEW CONCEPT IN SAILING, delivered at a conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and published by the RAND Corporation: Up to the point where steam propulsion became dominant, speed under sail had entirely practical consequences. However, in recent times where sails are used almost exclusively on pleasure craft, the need for speed under sail is entirely subjective. That is, the speed of a boat is judged to be high or low, not in entirely explicit economic or military terms but rather in the mind of the skipper. A new concept in sailing has been developed, more akin to surfing and skiing, in which boredom is completely eliminated.
458 cm x 427 cm

Noah Barker and Dora Budor, Chase Manhattan, 2021-2022
HD video, colour, sound,
Installation view at The Wig, Berlin

Noah Barker and Wyatt Niehaus, Virus of Participation (Lecce Configuration) 2019/2022. Three channel video.
Installation view Progetto, Italy, 2022.

Noah Barker, Twilight Industry; or that thing that happened in the early seventies, 2021. Television, transmission.
Installation view, Alienze, Vienna, 2021.

Noah Barker, A Surveillance, an Investigation, a Revenge, a Conspiracy, or a Plot, 2021. Multiplex panel, Nelson Bubble Lamp for Hermann Miller, Photographs
Installation view, Noah Barker, Dream State, Löwengasse, Cologne, DE, 2021.

Installation view, Five Summer Stories by Noah Barker, Fanta, Milan, IT, 2020.

Installation view, Noah Barker, We walked toward the music and away from the party, Fanta-MLN, IT, 2019.

Noah Barker, Untitled (Neutral Oasis), 2019. Wood, Monitor, Plexiglass, video, steel ball bearing. 90 x 195 x 74.5 cm.
Installation view, Noah Barker, We walked toward the music and away from the party, Fanta-MLN, IT, 2019.

Noah Barker, Untitled (We walked toward the music and away from the party), 2019. Wood, lights, plexiglass, Roscolux gel filter swatch book, steel ball bearing. 90 x 195 x 76 cm.
Installation view, Noah Barker, We walked toward the music and away from the party, Fanta-MLN, IT, 2019.

Noah Barker, Franco Solinas Constellator, 2019. Powder-coated steel, lamp, acrylic, C-print, magnets. 182 x 488 cm
Installation view, Noah Barker, More spaghetti please, comrade, Lodos, Mexico City, MX, 2019.

Noah Barker, Decommissioned Cuba Libre Assembly Line Clock, 2018. Programmed LED sign. 100 x 20 x 5 cm.
Installation view, Noah Barker, a room like any other, Air de Paris, Paris, FR, 2018.

Noah Barker, Decommissioned Cuba Libre Assembly Tray, 2018. powder-coated steel tray, 50 Duralex glasses, Coke cans, bottle of Rum, limes. 30 x 75 x 151 cm.
Installation view, Noah Barker, a room like any other, Air de Paris, Paris, FR, 2018.