Berenice Olmedo

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Eccéite, Simian, Copenhagen, DK, 2021.

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Eccéite, Simian, Copenhagen, DK, 2021.

Berenice Olmedo, Eccéite, 2021. Cosmetic covers for prostheses, mechanical aluminum bars, motors, electronics and sensors. Dimensions variable.

Berenice Olmedo, Eccéite, 2021. Cosmetic covers for prostheses, mechanical aluminum bars, motors, electronics and sensors. Dimensions variable.

Berenice Olmedo, Haec, 2021. Transtibial sockets for prosthesis and wheelchair parts. Dimensions variable.

Berenice Olmedo, MEKHANÉ, 2021. Cosmetic cover for prosthesis, Taylor corset belt HKAFO aluminum bars (orthosis for knee, ankle and foot) and lumbar sacrum sash metal rods.
52 x 15 x 39 cm (20.4 x 5.9 x 15.3 in)

Berenice Olmedo, MEKHANÉ, 2021. Atlanta splint leg guards, HKAFO aluminum bars (orthosis for knee, ankle and foot) and lumbar sacrum sash metal rods.
49 x 20 x 35 cm (19.2 x 7.8 x 13.7 in)

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Before the body there is the flesh, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2021.

Berenice Olmedo, Valentina, 2021
Hose twister, pelvic belt, aluminum, orthopedic shoes.
Control System: Arduino, mechatronics, motors, sensors, microcontrollers, metal box, pulleys, transparent thread, 122 x 60 x 20 cm (metal box)
73 x 12 x 35 cm.

Berenice Olmedo, Janis, Olga, Pénélope & Margot, 2018 - 2020.
Polypropylene, aluminium, velcro, mechatronics, motors, sensors, microcontrollers.
Installation view, And suddenly it all blossoms, RIBOCA2, Riga International Biennial, LV, 2021.

Berenice Olmedo, Akro-Bainein, 2020.
Leg support for gynaecological bed, HKAFO aluminium belt (hip, knee, ankle and foot orthosis), serum sup- port, support for cervical traction, plaster cast for ankle splint, orthopedic stockinette, dorsolumbar back brace rods and corrugated rod.
42 x 19 x 12 cm (18 x 7 x 4 in), 50 x 25 x 46 cm (19 x 9 x 18 in), 56 x 53 x 50 cm (22 x 20 x 19 in).
Installation view, OTRXS MUNDXS, group show, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, MX, 2020.

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, CsO, haecceidad, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE, 2020.

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, CsO, haecceidad, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE, 2020.

Berenice Olmedo, Regina, 2020. HKAFO (Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot, Orthosis), velcro straps, vinyl-leather, ballet shoes. 76 x 25 x 16 cm

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Toraco-Lumbo [SKOLIÓPHYSIS], Lodos, Mexico City, MX, 2019.

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Toraco-Lumbo [SKOLIÓPHYSIS], Lodos, Mexico City, MX, 2019.

Berenice Olmedo, Installation view, Anthroprosthetic, Jan Kaps, Cologne, DE, 2018.