NADA Miami Beach 2015

The Sound of Music (Left), 2015. Hot glue, school glue, caulk, resin, bleach, bondo, all purpose putty, rubber cement, white pencil, modeling clay, permacore thread on canvas. 52 x 48 inches.

The Sound of Music (Center), 2015. Hot glue, school glue, caulk, resin, bleach, bondo, all purpose putty, rubber cement, white pencil, modeling clay, permacore thread on canvas. 52 x 48 inches

The Sound of Music (Right), 2015. Hot glue, school glue, caulk, resin, bleach, bondo, all purpose putty, rubber cement, white pencil, modeling clay, permacore thread on canvas. 52 x 48 inches.

Turtles all the way down, 2015. Latex, baby powder. 48 x 36 inches

Left in the dark, 2015. Script

Tongue Debt, 2015. Paraffin wax, crayon, clay, string. 13 x 4 x 3 inches

The Sound of Music (Left), 2015. At the Days Inn Miami Beach, Oceanside

The Sound of Music (Left, Center, Right), 2015. At the Days Inn Miami Beach, Oceanside